Quote: "I was standing there looking ruefully at my thumb when I heard footsteps again. I swiftly set off for the attic once more, but this time it was too late. I found myself facing a soldier in a steel helmet carrying a rifle. His face was blank and not very intelligent."
Question: If you were in the situation, what would you do?
I would initially be very nervous and I would not know what to do. When I saw the soldier appear, I would become very frightnened and emotional. After I got by my initial fear, I would brainstorm ideas of how to get out of the situation. As soon as I came up with my idea, I would run and execute it.
At first, I would tyry to make up a lie, just like Szpilman did. I might say I was sent here by the Nazi froces to find something, like the half liter of spirits. Due to my appearance, there wouild be no lying about the fact that i was Jewish. If this did not work, I would do just as Szpilman did and offer the half liter of spirits to him so he would let me live. If this worked, I would change my hiding place right after the Nazi left just in case he decided to tell the Germans where I was hiding. If the Nazi decided not to accept the bribe, obviously, there would be little that I could do at the time. Overall, it's easy to see that Szpilman did the exact same thing that I would have in this situation.
I would probably be really nervous at first and not know what to do. After keeping my cool I would also do what Szpilman did and bribe him with the half liter of spirits. If that did not work I would probably start running.